Speakers and Schedule

Keynote Speaker: Nicholeen Peck

Nicholeen is the mother of four and previous foster parent of many difficult and troubled teens. The Peck family's success with these difficult children was based upon calmness, the principles of self-government, and good communication. She has been teaching people around the world the principles of Self-Government since 1999. She recently returned from Self-Government teaching tours in China and England. In 2009, Nicholeen and her family were featured in a one hour BBC documentary about parenting. She has appeared on various news shows and radio programs to discuss effective parenting. She is a popular public speaker, author of the international book, Parenting a House United, and the books Londyn LaRae Says Okay, Porter Earns A Quarter, Big Win For Quin, Popular Parenting Methods, many magazine articles, and her website! http://parentingselfgovernment.com/ 

Keynote: CPR (Cultural Parenting Revolution)
Have you had enough yet? Do you feel like you are drowning some days? Parenting is hard work. Is there any way to make it easier? This class will take a deep look at what parenting used to look like. What it looks like in our modern society and what it needs to look like to create the leaders we need for the future. Let's line up all these ideas, and make new parenting choices to free our families from emotional bondage. (more info on her workshops, below)

Saturday June 28 Conference Schedule:
9 am: Vendor market and registration opens

10- Keynote: CPR (Cultural Parenting Revolution)

11- Nicholeen Peck: Teaching Children Self-Government  -or-  Richard and Emily Clawson: Heroes in our homes! (great ideas on raising boys)

12- Nicholeen Peck: Preparing to raise youth instead of teenagers  -or-  Donna Goff: First steps and new beginnings

1pm- Lunch hour  (bring a sack lunch to allow extra time for visiting and browsing the vendor hall; run home to check on your families; or visit your favorite local food place and hurry back!)

2- Dan Hunter: Making History come to life!  -or-  Donna Goff: The power of an Hour~a gateway to classical education.

3- Connie Sue Ellis: Co-ops! Oh, the possibilities for expanding education opportunities!  -or-   Linnie Phelps: Super secrets to starting/running a home-based business.

4-5 pm- visit with our vendors and speakers, ask questions and participate in some great conversation!


Nicholeen Peck
Workshop 1: Teaching Children Self-Government (11am)
If we are constantly battling our children at home, how can we create an environment to build happy, successful adults? The most inspiring of all lessons taught in the home is that of a good parent/child relationship. There are no tricks to achieving children that govern themselves, while happily and willingly obeying the counsel of their parents. A working family government and atmosphere of acceptance and love turns the heart of a child to his/her parents. Don’t just parent your children; teach them the skills they need to govern themselves.

Workshop 2: Preparing To Raise Youth Instead of Teenagers (12 noon)
Many parents dread the day their child will become a teenager. Some think the teenager phase is just a normal part of life? Well, if it is, why didn't they have "teenagers" before World War II?  Where did the teenager come from and what can we do to raise our children to be different than today's teens?

Richard and Emily Clawson 
Workshop: Heroes in our homes (11am)
Sometimes it seems like raising boys to be heroes is an uphill battle, maybe even impossible.  We want them to be leaders, hard workers, knowledge-seekers; but boys are often wiggly, noisy, and oh, so hard to manage.  In this class we will discuss how the model of knighthood can help you to raise and educate your boys from page, to squire, all the way to knight!  We will share tools we have used in our own home with our two sons as well as with the thousands of boys we have mentored through our knights summits over the last ten years.  Huzzah!
Richard and Emily are the founders of Heroic Youth, an organization that teaches leadership through hero simulations. The divisions of Heroic Youth – Mastering Knighthood and Handmaidens of Virtue – have impacted thousands of youth since 2007. Richard is a lifelong Scouter, serving as an assistant scoutmaster with the past four National Boy Scout Jamborees. He has served in several other troop and district positions and recently received the District Award of Merit. Emily is a published author of five books, a mentor, and a homemaker. Together they have homeschooled their four children for the past fourteen years.

Donna Goff

Workshop 1: First Steps & New Beginnings (12 noon)
* Begin with the End in Mind & Map the Journey.
* Lay the foundation and create a nourishing atmosphere in the home during the pre-school years and beyond. Develop character, work ethic, kindle a love of learning, and prepare for future academics. The discipline of habit is the structure to build on.
* Homeschool on a shoe string! 
* Momculture: a key to a vibrant home school!
* Simple strategies for families, big and small, tips on teaching several children of different ages in home school.
* Tracking Progress.

Workshop 2: The Power of an Hour~A Gateway to a Classical Education (2pm)

The Power of an Hour (POAH) is as simple as an hour a day. This is a way to help children gain a breadth and depth of knowledge. POAH is a way to reduce mom's prep time and increase the learning of the child. It is amazing what can be done in as little as an hour a day!
Donna lives in Orem, Utah with her husband Roger and their youngest child. She is the mother of seven children 15‑35 and grandmother of 12 by July! Donna has home educated her children since 1983. She earned her BA Fine Art & Design, BYU’80; MA Ed., GWU ‘08. Donna has thrice been a keynote speaker and has presented at dozens of conferences in Oregon, CA, NV, UT, VA, and online since 1995. She created Momculture (2000) and Mentoring Our Own (2002) Yahoo Groups. Donna founded www.moorhouseacademy.org (2002). Donna and her daughters created Princess Academies (now Royal Academe) in 2009. She co‑owns www.royalacademe.com with her daughter Julia Groves; both sites were created to assist mothers in rearing, raising, and educating their children.

Dan Hunter 
Workshop: Making History Come to Life! (2pm) 
Dan and his wife Janice have been married for thirty-three years, have 5 children and 9 grandchildren. They have home schooled since 1993. Dan is the author of nine history books which are used across the nation in private schools and home schools. He is a graduate of George Wythe University, and was a private school teacher for 10 years. Dan started Living History in 1999 when he started writing his history books. In 2004 Dan and Jan bought Archive Publishers and Wholesome Books which they run with a lot of help from their children. Wholesome Books is a home school/private school bookstore, and under the Archive Publishers’ name they re-publish out-of-print LDS and non-LDS books, with 130 titles currently available. To add a little variety to his life, Dan is a driver’s education instructor.

Linnie Phelps
How to start and run a home based business with children at home (3pm)
Linnie and her family have done many things from home to make money.  She started Hidden Hollow Beads because she was tired of doing day care and was looking for any other way to make an income and still cherish her 6 children.  It has now been going strong for 11 years.
We look forward to learning from her experience!  

Linnie is the daughter of John and Patty Allred in Vernal. All 12 years of her early education were homeschool-based, then she attended Snow College and graduated with a 2 year degree in Business Management. 
She is married to Jason Phelps and they have 6 children ranging in age from 15 years to 10 months, and love teaching them at home.

Connie Sue Ellis is involved with a thriving home education co-op in Craig.  We are excited to learn from her experience!  (3pm)

A big thank you to our sponsors!

Uintah Basin Handmaidens of Virtue

Gale's Bookstore

Aaron's furniture and electronics

LDS Education Association



Lip Smackin' D's

Lakeshore Learning

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